Barebones Alexa Skill

App: { "name": "", "messages": { "NO_INTENT_FOUND": "Sorry, the application didn't know what to do with that intent", "NO_AUDIO_PLAYER_EVENT_HANDLER_FOUND": "Sorry, the application didn't know what to do with that AudioPlayer event", "NO_LAUNCH_FUNCTION": "Try telling the application what to do instead of opening it", "INVALID_REQUEST_TYPE": "Error: not a valid request", "NO_SESSION": "This request doesn't support session attributes", "GENERIC_ERROR": "Sorry, the application encountered an error", "NO_DISPLAY_ELEMENT_SELECTED_FUNCTION": "Try telling the application how to handle display events. Make sure displayElementSelected is implemented." }, "persistentSession": true, "exhaustiveUtterances": false, "error": null, "dictionary": { "names": [ "matt", "joe", "bob", "bill", "mary", "jane", "dawn" ] }, "intents": { "nameIntent": { "name": "nameIntent", "dialog": {}, "slots": { "NAME": "LITERAL" }, "utterances": [ "my {name is|name's} {names|NAME}", "set my name to {names|NAME}" ] } }, "customSlots": {}, "audioPlayerEventHandlers": {}, "playbackControllerEventHandlers": {}, "displayElementSelectedFunc": null, "sessionEndedFunc": null, "schemas": {} } Schema: { "intents": [ { "intent": "nameIntent", "slots": [ { "name": "NAME", "type": "LITERAL" } ] } ] } Utterances: nameIntent my name is {matt|NAME} nameIntent my name's {joe|NAME} nameIntent my name is {bob|NAME} nameIntent my name's {bill|NAME} nameIntent my name is {mary|NAME} nameIntent my name's {jane|NAME} nameIntent my name is {dawn|NAME} nameIntent set my name to {matt|NAME} nameIntent set my name to {joe|NAME} nameIntent set my name to {bob|NAME} nameIntent set my name to {bill|NAME} nameIntent set my name to {mary|NAME} nameIntent set my name to {jane|NAME} nameIntent set my name to {dawn|NAME}